Plan a Visit

We're located at 185 S. Binkley St. in Soldotna, Alaska.

When is worship?
We have one worship gathering at 10:00 am on Sundays. There’s music, prayer, sharing of joys and concerns, a scripture reading, a message from our pastor, and giving of an offering for ministries in Soldotna and beyond.

We have a Children’s Moment as part of our gathering, and children are welcome to attend Sunday School during the rest of the service.

Watch previous worship gatherings here.

What should I wear? It's Alaska, so people pretty much wear whatever they feel comfortable in. At all services, you'll see people dressed up, in jeans, workout clothes or even wearing their winter jacket.

Child care is available for all who need it, but we recognize that some families might want to keep children with them in church. Children are welcome to stay throughout the service. Baby noises don't bother us!

Differently-abled persons worship regularly at Soldotna UMC. We do our best to accommodate all persons, even when it means some minor disruptions may occur in worship. We are a family, and families accept one another and our differences.

We are a welcoming and reconciling congregation in the United Methodist Church. You won’t hear words of condemnation in our church. Learn more about the United Methodist Church.

We celebrate the sacraments of communion and baptism together. Learn more.

There is one main parking lot with easy access to the building. Come a couple minutes early to park and make your way inside.

You'll be welcomed with a smile and hand shake but we won't make you stand up and introduce yourself! When and if you're ready, you can connect with someone outside the sanctuary or fill out an insert in the bulletin to receive more info about our community.